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Monday,  December 9, 2024   5:54 PM
Celebrity Cruises Canada wins big at annual global conference
Of Celebrity Cruises (L to R): Vanessa Brousseau; Jennifer Barker; Mathieu Robert; Sandra Pennington; Dondra Ritzenthaler; Ken Brooks; Brenda Lynne Yeomans; Chad Kowalenko; Maxine Gundermann; Keith Lane; Lisa Lutoff-Perlo.

Celebrity Cruises’ Canadian team took home a stack of awards this month at the company’s annual sales conference on board the new Celebrity Edge.

The global symposium from Dec. 6-9 welcomed close to 200 people from Celebrity’s sales and marketing teams from around the world.

Celebrity's Canadian contingent cleaned up at the conference’s awards ceremony, taking home a total of six awards that recognized the team’s achievements in marketing and sales.  

“Our team is absolutely thrilled. We cleaned house,” Jennifer Barker, national marketing manager for Canada at Celebrity Cruises, told PAX in an exclusive interview today. “What made the awards extra special this year was us being on the Edge, our brand new ship that we’ve been working towards.”

The Celebrity Edge, a 2,918-passenger, 1,004-foot-long vessel, is the first of four new Edge Class ships that Celebrity has ordered for delivery by 2022. She began her inaugural season on a maiden voyage into the Western Caribbean last Sunday, December 9th.

READ MORE: Exclusive first reviews, on-board pictures of the new Celebrity Edge

The Celebrity Cruises Canadian team received many nods at their conference, among them being the award for Top Intensification Team of the Year, which honours regional-based teams for their top-performing sales.

(To put that into perspective: Celebrity identifies four main markets – Eastern, Western and Central United States and Canada, and of all four regions, the Canadian team came out on top).

Celebrity Cruises president and CEO Lisa Lutoff-Perlo also, notably, joined the Canadian team on stage to celebrate their accomplishments.

“We’re pretty happy,” Barker told PAX.

Here is a complete list of awards the Celebrity Cruises Canada team won:

Market Sales Manager of the Year, Canada: Maxine Gundermann, market sales manager, Eastern Ontario

Regional Marketing Manager of the Year: Jennifer Barker, national marketing manager

Top Sales Future Cruises: Sandra Pennington, market sales manager, Western Ontario

Top Sales MICE Award (Marketing Incentives Charters Events): Brenda Lynne Yeomans, strategic sales & market manager

President’s Challenge Winners: Maxine Gundermann and Brenda Lynne Yeomans

Top Intensification Sales and Marketing: Canada Region

For more information on Celebrity Edge, click here

Photos courtesy of Celebrity Cruises. 
