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Sunday,  January 12, 2025   8:17 PM
France unveils new entry requirements for non-European visitors

Since Dec. 4, 2021, the rules applicable to non-European people wishing to enter France have changed.

From this date on, all persons aged 12 years and older who travel to France, will have to carry:

  • a proof of a full course of vaccination;
  • a RT-PCR or antigenic test that detects SARS-CoV-2, performed less than 48 hours before the departure of the first flight in case of connecting flights;
  • a sworn declaration, which you can download from the Interior Ministry’s website stating that you have no symptoms of COVID-19 infection and you have not been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the 14 days prior to your journey.

Get your French COVID certificate

For the "border pass,” foreign health proofs (vaccination scheme or test) are accepted, in electronic or paper version.

For the "activity pass" the French government has set up equivalence systems in order to obtain a QR code valid on French territory for non-European nationals:

  • Step 1: Go to the pharmacy once arrived on the French territory
    The pharmacies already offering this service are listed here.
  • Step 2: Present the following documents: A passport and the original vaccination certificate in paper format.
    These mandatory documents must include, in a legible way, the last name, first name, date of birth as well as the date of vaccination, the used vaccine, if possible, the batch number, the number of doses injected and the country of vaccination.
  • Step 3: Download TousAntiCovid application then scan your new QR Code to import it.

A temporary QR code valid 24 hours can also be generated by a healthcare professional following a negative RT-PCR or antigen test.

Travellers should note that the procedure of getting a vaccine equivalency takes 15 minutes and can be invoiced for an amount that cannot exceed 36 € (roughly $51.36 CAD), incl. VAT.

Click here for more information.

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