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NEW AUDIT CONFIRMS DISTRIBUTION OF LOGIMONDE PRODUCTS sent to 25,653 travel professionals daily as of Feb. 6
The accounting firm Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche has recently completed a new verification of Logimonde’s product distribution lists. The audit found that the number of subscribers for each of the company’s three online magazines has increased since the last audit in 2010. This is also the case for the Quick Presse distribution service.
In July 2010, the daily e-magazine had 22,903 subscribers, a number which has since grown to 25,653 travel professionals.
Quick Presse has seen its numbers increase to 31,062 subscribers (21,531 English, 9,531 French) - 1,000 more than two years ago.
Logimonde is the only Canadian publishing and distribution company in the travel industry whose online distribution numbers are audited by a nationally recognized firm.
The verification was carried out by Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche in accordance with auditing standards established by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. These standards require that the audit be planned and performed to obtain reasonable assurance as to the basis of its opinion, specifically whether the statement of distribution of online publications is free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the total number of subscribers and other disclosures provided in the state of online publication distribution.
“Two years ago we were the first online publishing and distribution company to take part in this verification process and we remain the only audited company in the Canadian travel industry,” said Uguette Chiasson, president, Logimonde. “This lets our advertisers and our clients know the exact number of travel professionals seeing their advertisements or receiving their releases when working with us.”
Deloitte submitted the report on Feb. 6, 2012, after combing through Logimonde’s databases and conducting surveys designed to ensure that recipients of its services are in fact industry players.
Logimonde inc.: approximately 76,928 copies sent out daily
The number of subscribers to, Logimonde’s French publication, now stands at 12,190 (11,882 in 2010)., based in Toronto, is sent to 25,653 travel professionals (22,903 in 2010). Finally, which is specifically geared towards travel agents and industry professionals in Western Canada, boasts 8,023 subscribers (6,413 in 2010).
As for Quick Presse, the online distribution service which sends out news releases, newsletters and advertisements from suppliers to members of the Logimonde distribution network, has 9,531 subscribers to the French service and 21,531 subscribers to the English service. This is an increase of about three per cent compared to 2010.
These figures accurately reflect the distribution of Logimonde’s online publications as of Feb. 6, 2012; exactly 76,928 copies of our publications and services were then sent to 29,922 unique addresses.
In the report from Deloitte, it reads: "In our opinion, the statement of distribution of on-line publications presents fairly, in all material respects, a complete and accurate summary of the on-line subscribers to in French, in English and in English, and the distribution service in French and in English of Logimonde Inc. as of February 6, 2012.”
Click here to read the entire report by Samson Bélair/Deloitte & Touche.