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Global air travel up in June: IATA
Global air travel demands continued to rise in June, with IATA posting a 5.7 per cent increase in demand compared to June 2014.
The results were down slightly from May, IATA said, attributing the decrease in part to the timing of Ramadan, slower trade activity in emerging Asia-Pacific markets and the impact of the Greek debt crisis.
June international passenger demand rose 5.3 per cent compared to June 2014, with airlines in all regions except Africa recording growth, with a wide variation between regions. Capacity climbed six per cent, pushing down load factor by 0.5 percentage points to 80.4 per cent. In North America, airlines experienced a 2.7 per cent increase in traffic, which was above the two per cent increase recorded in May. Capacity in North America rose 2.8 per cent and load factor slipped 0.1 percentage points to 84.9 per cent, which was the highest among the regions.